Do I need a Back Up or Standby Generator
Many event organisers and wedding clients ask the same question, do I need a backup generator and how much will a backup generator cost ?
Our picture above shows main hire generator 100Kva DCA-125USEI with a back up 100Kva DCA-125ESEI. Our client was a Blue Chip international hotelier hosting an event in Hampshire for worldwide GMs flown in from world locations. Naturally the standby backup wasn’t needed.
The answer to the question is not as simple as a straight yes or no. I will explain our view and you can make your decision based on my experience of 18 years in the generator hire business without a single failure during all the events we have attended across the UK.
Most of our competitors would like to be in our position of zero failures. The information herein are Trade Secrets which has put our generator hire Company number one for reliability.