We are currently carrying out Research and Development for Off Grid Hybrid stored Event Power for hire.
Solar panels are dropping in price. Mono Crystaline solar arrays are now cheaper and more energy efficient. The cost of on grid Kilowatt hours has increase by 50% in the past 24 months, and the cost is set to rise even further. In fact today we hear another 10% increase in the pipeline.
The energy used to generate event power is inefficient due to a high proportion of energy being wasted from friction, the combustion heat generated going out of the exhaust stack, and long periods of idling causing wet stacking which has to be cleared by increasing generator load to raise the temperature to burn off excess carbon inside the engine. Not dissimilar to burning out a catalytic converter, regeneration on a combustion engine after leaving a built up area.
Ideally we will erect several solar arrays of mono crystalline panels, a Nemo Grid Tie Wind Turbine 4,000W (4Kw) Grid Turbine to charge the battery pack during periods of low sun and or inclement weather.
There are a few turnkey HPG options from suppliers in the UK, or we have the option of building our own Hybrid Power Generator for hire.
Below are some options :-
Cygnus 1 Hybrid Power Generator HPG
Cygnus 2 Hybrid Power Generator HPG
Cygnus 3 Hybrid Power Generator HPG
Cygnus 4 Hybrid Power Generator HPG
Arcturus One 1-HPG Hybrid Power Generator HPG
SiteGrid 3000 Hybrid Power Generator
Tangent Hybrid Generators