We were invited by the directors of “The Lakes” in Lechlade Gloucestershire to Roast and serve a selection of Hogs for their prestigious “Lakestock Event” to celebrate the launch of their exclusive £1,000,000 plus second home property development aimed directly at the London social set.
The weather could not have been better and the morning sun glistened across the lake as it rose. We set up in the lea of a large circus Big Top, with some 800 of London’s rich and famous due by lunchtime. In honour of our location we had selected three Gloucester Old Spot hogs to be gently roasted until a crispy succulence was achieved. Once the Hogs were on the spits and turning gently we were able to watch the preparations around us. There was a 50 foot long bar next to the beach serving gallons of Pimms together with draught local ales, lager and ciders. Beside us, the chefs were setting up their BBQs and Wok Stations. There was a veritable flurry of slicing, dicing and marinating on every side. Across the Big Top from us artisans had erected a village of fully furnished five star Tepees to sleep some 150 of the guests who would be staying over.
By eleven O’clock things had really started buzzing quite literally with helicopters landing on the onsite Helipad, and the car park rapidly filling for the day’s family events. It was only after wandering through the car park with its serried rows of Ferraris, Aston Martins, not to mention over twenty gleaming Range Rovers.
And so with the party in full swing we started carving and serving our Hogs, onto a choice of rolls with a full salad bar also available. We were a popular choice from the beginning, celebrities like Simon Le Bon, Jade Jagger , Tina Hobley and Caprice all sampling our wares. We carved and served through the afternoon and evening changing machines with amazing regularity until 11pm when we wearily headed back up the M4 knowing we had left 800 very happy people behind.